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Documents for Local Policies

The networking process of various stakeholders  participating  in the integration of foreigners  started at the beginning of 2018. During the spring and summer, ETP Slovakia organized two meetings of focus groups, the PhotoVoice activity, gathering  information from the questionnaires, its own research and individual consultations with the City representatives that resulted in the City Audit Integration Report for Košice City (Slovak version, English version) describing the current status.

The City Integration Lab (workshop with the experts) and the round table were held in autumn of 2019. Separate documents prepared by the experts were elaborated. The whole process of the preparation o thef Košice Integration Agenda (Slovak version, English version) was participative and included the  representatives of local government, public administration, non-government organizations, international organizations, schools and the foreigners living in Košice.

The documents may serve as a basis  for local policies and an input for areas touching the integration of foreigners.


Illustrated Maps

Bon Appetit, Neighbor    How To Become A New Neighbor in Košice /Manual/


Legal Procedures documents

General information and policy documents about residence, employment, housing, education or integration can be found on the web site of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.
Useful information regarding the residence and the employment of third country nationals, the information about the education system, health care, social security and other important domains of life in Slovakia, can be found in the brochures/fact sheets issued by IOM Migration Information Centre (MIC): 

Here you will find information leaflets, which, in addition to persons granted international protection, can also serve people who are in touch with them, e.g. office workers or employers.


Guides for Better Integration 

The guide „New start in Slovakia“ for asylum seekers in the Slovak Republic in several languages can be dowloaded here.
How is Slovakia and Slovaks perceived by foreigners? Very interesting guidebooks in English, Russian and Arabic based on interviews with people from outside may help to understand ordinary situations from different perspectives. Feel free to download.