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Mikluš's Prison

Near Main street, in the historical centre of the town, one can find two buildings belonging to the so called Miklus prison. Both are from the first half of the 15th century. Later in that century one more floor was added to the corner house and according to the ceramic material and artefacts, a potter workshop was there since the 16th century. At the beginning of the 17th century, both houses were united and reconstructed to serve as a town prison and torture chamber. From the year 1872, when jurisdiction was separated from the Town council, the building was a prison of the town police until 1909. Two years later it was given to the museum as stock.
The objects were fully reconstructed in 1940 -1942. The East Slovakian Museum created an exposition "The Centuries of Kosice" connected with the history of the town and also the building.

/place: Pri Miklušovej väznici 10/
MAP of the historical City centre

/© Photo: (1) Marián Krlička, (3) Adolf Materna/
/(2) Historical photograph from 1908-14 - collection of the East Slovakian Museum/