Mayor of Košice, František Knapík, received ( 09.07.2010 ) representatives of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland at the premises of the Historical Town Hall. The meeting was attended by the President of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, Ivetta Macejková, and other constitutional judges.
“You may have noticed that on the roof of the Town Hall there is a sculpture of Justice, and underneath it, the tableau depicting the famous story of King Solomon’s audacious verdict resolving a dispute between two angry mothers arguing over a child. Over the staircase you may have also noticed a beautiful mural painting of Allegory of Justice. I believe that if it were in the power of these well-known symbols to express their joy over your presence in the town hall, they would do so. However, since the artist did not breathe such power in them, it is my pleasure to do it on their behalf,” said the Mayor. He also appreciated the fact that it was the Constitutional Tribunal which, as the only institution, struggled to maintain its position even during the times of political adversity. The Mayor pointed out the fact that the Constitutional Court has its seat here and emphasized that the city highly regards the history of Košice Capitanate, a prototype of contemporary constitutional judicial power.
Prior to signing the city chronicle, Bohdan Zdziennicki, President of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland, reminded of the basic democratic principal of division of powers in the state and the role of the Constitutional Court to oversee the work of their bearers. He talked about practical meaning of having the seats of constitutional courts in other places than the seat of government as well as about common Slavic roots of both states.
Other related information to be found at:
Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland