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Košice amphitheater in hockey euphoria

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Hockey championship came to Kosice. The citys streets were in craze yesterday. The biggest emotions experienced the fans in the amphitheater during watching the match between our team and Slovenia.
Košice. A great atmosphere was in front of Košice Steel Arena yesterday evening.  Groups of French and Swiss fans in dresses of their teams friendly teased each other over the beer before the opening game of the championship.
They were wondering about the police helicopter, a pair of policemen on horseback and the other policemen in uniforms, who had patrolled. They were obviously unnecessary.
720 police officers to be in the streets of Košice during the championship daily, which is double compared to a normal number. According to the regional spokeswoman Jana Demjanovičová, they did not have to deal with anything in connection with the championship yet.
 Good atmosphere was also at two large screens on Hlavná  (the Main Street). Sausages and other specialties smelled delicious in the City Fan Zone at the Immaculata and the Fan Village at Dolná brána (the Lower Gate) and dozens of craftsmen, live cymbal music, and live statue of the player received more attention than the first television broadcast of the game between Germany – Russia.