Restoring functions of those parts of the country, which in the past suffered the most from industrial interventions, is the motive of the project RETINA. This acronym contains the efforts of the South-Eastern European countries, which based on practical experiences obtained during the revitalization of specific sites in their countries, decided to establish a "guide" to use for tackling similar areas elsewhere in Europe.
The meeting of ten project partners from Hungary, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia and Slovakia, who are engaged in the project with such serious issue, will be held in Košice from March 28 to March 30, 2011. Effectiveness of their cooperation is increased by the fact that each of them develops a case study in their countries, whereas they work in groups focusing on different thematic areas. There were formed the work group for law, finance, ownership, city planning, environment and image were formed.
At the meeting, our city will be represented by Mr. Branislav Valovič, deputy director of the municipality and an expert in the area of EU funds: "It is good that the penetration of the countries, test sites and analyzed topics, a representative material with wide use is being developed. I appreciate the emphasis on practical outcomes, whereas in terms of Košice, I assume that these outcomes will be reflected in the revival of former industrial zone of our former magnesite plant." The former magnesite plant is an area where the Slovak participants in a project seek solutions with an emphasis on urban issues and environmental contexts. A joint project opens up the possibility of obtaining European funding for its revitalization.
The working agenda of project partners will begin on March 28 in the hotel Doubletree by Hilton at 10.00 with a press conference. The meeting will continue with the expert part and training the next day and will be completed on the last day by the Steering Committee meeting.
Completion of the project, which began in 2009, is expected next year.